These get togethers usually create lots of recycling opportunities including bottles and cans making them the perfect time to collect eligible containers.
Not only is recycling your containers a great way to raise a bit of extra cash at a busy (and expensive!) time of year but it’s a fun activity the whole family can get involved in.
Here’s our top tips on how to keep strong recycling habits while enjoying the holidays.
Hosting a party or get together at home? This is the perfect opportunity to collect your loved ones drink containers!
Place an empty box or bin out near the esky at the start of the party and be sure to let people know where to put their empty containers.
The 10 cent refund from each eligible container you cash in could be put towards a fund for the next gathering or you could choose to donate to charity. Find a community group or charity registered with us here.

Recycling may start in the home, but that doesn’t mean habits have to stay at home if you head out to explore our great state for the holidays. If you’re travelling, we suggest:
1. Keeping a separate bag or box to collect your bottles and cans and taking them to the nearest refund point on your way home.
2. Flattening your bottles and cans by hand to save space in the recycling bin or container collection bag.
3. Educating yourself by learning about the recycling and waste management practices in the area you're visiting. This can help you understand how to properly dispose of your waste and reduce your environmental impact.

School holidays are one of the most popular times of the year for Queenslanders to cash in their containers.
A little bit can go a long way and it’s a great way to score some extra cash no matter where you are.
It’s also an educational and fun activity to get the kids involved in and every eligible container you collect is one step closer to a reward or pocket money – did someone say ice cream!?
Three cheers for saving the environment and earning a treat for doing so!

Whether you’re holidaying at the beach, at a campsite or relaxing at home, small actions can make a big difference, so be sure to do your part these holidays.
Containers for Change has over 360 refund points to cash in your containers across Queensland. Find one near you wherever you are using our Where to Return map.
Find a cause to donate to
Donate to your local charity, community group or school by quoting their member number at the refund point.
Find a container refund point near you
Get started on your container collection journey by finding your closest refund point.