Get your 2024 fundraising off to a great start with the Containers for Change schools program. It’s designed to support container collection in Queensland schools by supplying free bins and collections, bags for students, promotional materials and how-to guides. Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered with these ten tips to kick-start a Containers for Change initiative at your school.
1. Set a fundraising goal
Fundraising for something specific? Making change is easier once you’ve got a goal in mind. Print out the fundraising goal poster and display it around the school so everyone can work towards the same target. It’s a good idea to make the goal something that the whole school will benefits from so you have motivation from the students, families and teaching staff!

2. Share your member number on the Containers for Change website
Containers for Change have a charity and community group listing on their website to help people find causes they can donate their refunds too.
Click the ‘share your cause’ in the menu bar in your account and follow the prompts to get your member number added to our list.

3. School drop-off collection mornings
Some schools have had great success in using the morning drop off routine to collect containers from families.
This works well if your school has a well-managed Stop Drop Go zone that could have a volunteer with a bin collecting containers at the same time.

4. Virtual donations
Encourage your school community to donate their container refunds to your member number when they cash in their containers.
Alternatively, they can change their preferred payment method to ‘donate’ in their member account and add your school member number.

5. Turn Every Event into a Fundraiser
Have designated container collection bins at all school events (sports days, discos, fetes) to maximise fundraising opportunities.
Get in touch with your local operator to chat about how they can assist you with additional collection infrastructure for events with large attendances.

6. Set up a donation location
Establish a secure donation point at your school where people can safely drop off containers at any time.

7. Partner with local businesses
Approaching businesses with a high-volume of containers is an easy way to raise funds.
Get in contact with your local clubs, pubs, restaurants, cafes and/or accommodation providers and see if they’re able to donate their empties to your school.

Spread the message in your community
Share your member number on the school’s social media profile/s, in the newsletter and/or any other channels you have access to.

9. Educate students and parents on the importance of collecting
Utilise the free promotional and educational resources available via the program to educate the community on what containers are eligible for a 10-cent refund, and how the refunds can benefit the school.

10. Empower students to take the lead
Encourage student participation by creating a sustainability committee (if one doesn’t already exist) where students are responsible for container collection around the school grounds.