"News & articles" related contents

Sea World Foundation and Containers for Change Team Up to Protect Our Oceans
Sea World Foundation and Containers for Change have announced an exciting new partnership aimed at tackling ocean pollution and promoting recycling efforts across Queensland.

Cheers to Health and Sustainability: Cairns Hospital Leads the Way
Saving lives while helping save the environment is the goal of a groundbreaking partnership between the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation, Containers for Change and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service.

Eight billion containers returned through refund scheme
The Containers for Change scheme has put $800 million back in Queenslanders’ pockets. The scheme has continued to grow from strength to strength. It has taken just six months to reach this latest milestone, after the seven billionth container was returned in September 2023.

Turning containers into change for charity
Did you know that collecting containers is one of the easiest ways to donate to a charity or community group?
Top five reasons to recycle with Containers for Change
There are more reasons to recycle bottles and cans than just getting a 10-cent refund.

Raising funds for families at risk
See how not-for-profit organisation, Hearts of Purple are using container recycling donations to help fund the important work they do supporting people at risk of high-risk domestic violence situations.

Cheers to cashing in on spirits and wine
Get excited, Queensland! Glass wine and spirit bottles are now part of the range of eligible containers you can cash in for a 10-cent refund. We've put together a guide to help you get started.

Bright spark shines through scheme
We shine a light on one of our recycling superstars, Clayton from IMPACT Community Services.

Taking care of our furry friends
Meet the team from CQ Pet Rescue who are using container refunds to take care of our furry friends.