What are Container Exchange Points?
Container Exchange Points are baskets or cradles attached to general waste bins in public spaces.
Think of them as a Containers for Change bin for the community — when you're out and about, instead of throwing your empty 10¢ container into the next bin you pass, simply drop it into a Container Exchange Point.

How are they used?
Whether you're out for a walk, picnicking in the park, or at the beach, look out for a Container Exchange Point attached to a general waste bin. If your empty container has a 10¢ mark, drop it in! Your 10¢ container can then be collected and returned to a local refund point by whoever wants the refund.

Are you a local container saver?
Anyone can pick up 10¢ containers left at Container Exchange Points and return them for a refund, even you. So if you are out and about and find containers in a Container Exchange Point, consider collecting and returning them so they can live another life.

Want Container Exchange Points in your area?
If you are part of an LGA in WA that would like Container Exchange Points, we want to hear from you!

Container Exchange Points are already in
City of Albany
City of Armadale
Town of Bassendean
City of Bayswater
City of Belmont
Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes
Shire of Broome
City of Busselton
City of Bunbury
Shire of Boyup Brook
City of Canning
City of Cockburn
Shire of Denmark
Shire of East Pilbara
Shire of Exmouth
City of Fremantle
City of Gosnells
City of Greater Geraldton
Shire of Irwin
City of Joondalup
City of Kalamunda
Shire of Northam
Shire of Northampton
City of Kwinana
City of Karratha
Shire of Kondinin
City of Mandurah
Shire of Manjimup
Shire of Morawa
Town of Mosman Park
City of Perth
Town of Port Hedland
Shire of Shark Bay
City of South Perth
City of Stirling
City of Subiaco
Shire of Wagin
Shire of Waroona
Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley
Town of Victoria Park
City of Vincent
Shire of Wiluna
Container Exchange Point Case Study | City of Fremantle
Other ways to return
There are many ways to return your 10¢ containers in WA. Find the one that best suits your needs.