Sign up
Signing up for a member number takes 30 seconds — all you need is your contact and payment details.
Save your member number
Once you're logged in, click Member number in the menu and your unique ID will appear.
Download it to your phone's digital wallet (or note it down) so you have it handy during your next return.
Set your payment method
Set or update your preferred payment method by clicking Account before choosing Payment method.
On mobile, you can find Account by clicking the green figure in the top right corner.
Start saving containers
During your next return, show your member number, or if you're doing Drop & Go, write your member number on a tag.
We'll count your 10¢ containers, record it on your account, and process your refund using your preferred payment method.
What can i do with my member number?

Get your refund, just the way you like it
- Set cash, bank or PayPal transfer, or donation as your preferred payment method.
- Want to donate your refund? Explore and save one of our registered charities, community groups, schools, or local clubs, to your account.

Easily update your details
- Update your contact and payment details by logging in to your member number account.
- Change your preferred payment method (including who you donate to) with a click of a button.
Introducing our trailblazing app
Sign in with your member number to track the 10¢ containers you've saved, money you've earned, and your charitable donations.

With over 260 refund points across Western Australia,
find a refund point that's local to you.
So what are you waiting for?
Sign up for member number to unlock your trailblazing superpower.
Already have a member number? Log in